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Online Safety

At Murdishaw West Community Primary School, we know that Online safety is more important now than ever before and that our children need a relevant up-to-date knowledge of how to stay safe online. We recognise that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules. It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation. We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.

Our online safety curriculum, which is progressive from Early Years to the end of Year 6, is taken from the Education for a connected world document. Each half term has a whole school focus and, during their time at Murdishaw West, children will become aware of the online word, its role in their daily life and how to be a good online citizen.
Autumn 1 – Self-image, self-identity & online reputation
Autumn 2 – Online Reputation
Spring 1 – Online Bullying & Managing online information
Spring 2 – Health Wellbeing & Lifestyle
Summer 1 – Privacy & Security
Summer 2 – Copyright & Ownership

The half termly themes, listed above, give our children a broad understanding of the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour. We aim to help our children develop effective strategies for staying safe online whilst always making a positive contribution.

Online safety is taught within all computing lessons but also each specific foci is taught discreetly through 3 – 4 lessons each half term. Teachers plan lessons that involve lots of discussion and debate around key questions and vocabulary with support from Project Evolve. Through up to date knowledge shared by teachers and the children’s own experiences, lessons are engaging, relevant and informative.

Assessment and Impact
Lessons are planned around the outcomes listed in the Online safety progression of skills document and the Education for a Connected World Document. Children are assessed through a process of ongoing formative assessment, where individual teachers are able to pick out through careful monitoring, which skills, knowledge and understanding children have shown and which areas may need more attention in future lessons.  The subject leader monitors the effectiveness of Online safety teaching through a cycle of pupil interviews, staff questionnaires, online evidence and planning scrutiny. This monitoring cycle allows the subject leader to make any necessary changes to the planning, implementation and assessment of Online safety within school and to update the action plan. The subject leader keeps up to date with curriculum changes, up and coming or new apps/programmes and safeguarding issues through training, reading and research. This information is then fed back to staff through CPD.

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 Copyright © Murdishaw West Community Primary School, Barnfield Avenue, Runcorn, WA7 6EP 
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