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At Murdishaw West we promote good attendance to enable pupils to take full advantage of the educational opportunities we offer. 


We ask parents to ensure that children arrive at school in good time for registration each day at 8.50am.

Children should be collected promptly at 3:20pm, which is the end of the school day. If an unavoidable delay occurs parents need to contact the school as soon as possible.


What to do if your child is absent from school

Please phone on the first day of absence leaving your child’s name, class and reason for absence. This needs to be done every day that your child is absent from school. These messages may be left on the school’s answer phone, or delivered in person. 


If we have not heard from a parent by 9:30am as to why their child is absent from school, we will ring all of the contact numbers registered for that child until contact is made.


Medical Appointments

If possible, please advise the office beforehand if children have to attend a medical appointment during school hours. Please sign them in and out of school at the main office.



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Leave of Absence during Term Time

Regular school attendance is essential to enable your child/children to maximize the educational opportunities available to them.  Interruptions in school attendance means that your child/children may need to catch up on missed work and it can also affect their social life within school.  It is the school’s responsibility to provide the best education possible.  We can only do this if your child/children attend regularly.


From 1 September 2013 The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 amends the 2006 Regulations and makes clear that Head Teachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances




  • Parents/carers will be required to complete a leave of absence request form available from the school office and return it to school.

  • Parents/carers may be required to attend an interview with the headteacher to discuss their request for a leave of absence.

  • Parents/carers will normally be notified of the outcome of their application for a leave of absence within 10 school days of the date of the application.


If the leave of absence is not agreed by the school, but the pupil is absent on the requested dates, the absence will be recorded as ‘O’ this will mean that the absence has been recorded on the school attendance register as unauthorised.


Where a pupil is absent from school without permission of the school, the parent/carer of the pupil may be issued with a £60.00 Penalty Notice per parent per child.  If the notice remains unpaid after 21 days the penalty increases to £120.00.  If the notice remains unpaid after 28 days the Local Authority may commence proceedings under section 444(1) of the 1996 Education Act in the Magistrates Court.


I am sure you will support the school by ensuring that requests for leave of absence are only made in exceptional circumstances.  If you wish to discuss this matter further please contact the Headteacher or Education Welfare.

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