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Pancake Day
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Dragon Dance Jan 2023
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Murdichords - Halton Haven 2022
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Fireworks Nov 2022
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Music at Murdishaw West Primary School is practical, engaging and fun. Our music curriculum inspires creativity, self-expression and participation. We provide a rich scheme of work that nurtures fundamental knowledge, understanding and skills: performing, listening, composing and musical history which contextualises learning. We hope to foster a lifelong love of music by exposing children to diverse musical experiences that can ignite passion for music. By listening and responding to different musical styles, engaging as singers, performers and composers, we hope to nurture creative and confident musicians.  

Our pupils are taught to use the language of music in discussions and to understand how it is made, played, appreciated and analysed. Our students play and experiment with various un-tuned and tuned percussion instruments. In doing so, they understand the different principles of creating notes, as well as how to devise and read their own musical scores and basic music notation. They also create original compositions focussing on different dimensions of music, which in turn feeds their understanding when listening, playing, or analysing music.   


We follow a broad, balanced and progressive music curriculum. Our children are supported and challenged appropriately as they develop as learners. Our music scheme ensures progression of skills and aligns with national policy and statutory requirements.

All classes engage in a new unit of study every half-term, ensuring year-round coverage of music at Murdishaw West. The whole school  has weekly singing lessons, where songs are learnt based on topics, festivals and other curriculum links.

Expert external providers support the delivery of our music curriculum, allowing for quality learning experiences for our children and valuable training opportunities for our teachers.


We observe and measure the impact of the delivery of our music curriculum in a number of ways:

  • Lesson observations

  • Pupil voice interviews

  • Performances in school and for our community

Progress is assessed formatively in line with the objectives of our Progression of Skills document. Such assessments inform end-of-year teacher judgements and allow us to track progress.



Music Year Group Overviews

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